2-Way Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
With its sleek, elegant look, RISCO’s 2-Way Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector blends into any residential setting and provides the highest level of safety for domestic environments.
Product Info
Key Features
2-way wireless communication
Heat only mode for areas such as kitchens and bathrooms
Advanced photoelectric chamber for smoke detection
Multiple sensors ensure earlier detection and minimize false alarms
Four batteries for extended lifetime and simple battery replacement by homeowner
Pressure pad for self-testing
Download further technical information about the X352-Way Wireless Smoke & Heat Detector
5IN1415 F Wireless Supervised Smoke Detector Installation Instructions EN IT FR ES PR
5IN2259 1-2 Way WL Smoke & Heat Detector (X34S) Installer SE WEB
5IN2016 E 1-2W WL Smoke-Heat (X34S) Installer EN FR IT ES PT DE SE WEB
5IN2498 Wireless Smoke Detector Installation EN FR ES IT PR
5IN2491 C 1-2W WL Smoke-Heat X34S Installer EN FR IT ES PT DE SE WEB
5IN2911 2W WL Smoke & Heat (X35S) Installer HE
5IN2882 WL Smoke & Heat Installer DE WEB
5IN2707 I 2W WL Smoke & Heat Installer EN FR ES IT PR NL
5IN2585 1&2Way Smoke & Heat Detector Instructions EN
5IN2539 E 2W WL LuNAR FireWatch Smoke, Heat & PIR Installer EN
5IN2759 E WL 1-2 Way Smoke & Heat (X34S) Installer EN IT ES FR PR NL DE
EN14604 CPR RWX35Sx WL Smoke & Heat
En CE DoC RWX35Sx WL Smoke & Heat
DOP RWX35Sx WL Smoke & Heat
SBSC RWX35Sx WL Smoke & Heat
UKCA DoC WL Smoke Detector RWX35S,RWX35SA