Con un diseño elegante, fiable y fácil de instalar, las sirenas de interior y de exterior de RISCO Group son la adición perfecta a cualquier sistema de seguridad. Ofrecen características de alarma de alto rendimiento para ahuyentar a los intrusos y emitir alertas incluso si el sistema principal ha sido vandalizado.
Información del producto
Características principales
La comunicación por bus admite servicios remotos.
Comunicación inalámbrica bidireccional
Doble protección contra manipulaciones en la cubierta y la pared
Larga vida útil del estroboscopio SLT en modelos externos
Opciones de sonido completamente personalizables
A prueba de intemperie y resistente al vandalismo
Compatible con los sistemas híbridos e inalámbricos de RISCO
Descarga los manuales técnicos e información adicional sobre la gama de Sirenas de RISCO.
Wireless External Sounder Rectangular Installation Guide 5IN1223
External WL Oval Sounder Instructions 5IN1224
External WL Oval Sounder Instructions 5IN1225
LuMIN8 Professional Sounder with Illuminator Installation Instructions 5IN1293
LuMIN8 External Sounder and Delta Installation Instructions 5IN1295
ProSound External Sounder Installation and Programming Manual 5IN1527
2-Way Wireless Outdoor Sounder (Prosound) Installation Manual 5IN1540
LuMIN8 External Wireless Sounder Installation Instructions 5IN1949
LuMIN8 External Wireless Sounder Installation Instructions 5IN1950
LuMIN8 External Wireless Sounder Installation Instructions 5IN1951
Wired External Sounder (ProSound) Installation and Programming Manual 5IN2128
External Wireless Sounder Installation Instructions 5IN2238
Internal WL Round Sounder Instructions 5IN2543
Wireless Round Sounder Installer 5IN2584
Wireless External Triangular Sounder Installation Guide 5IN2662
Internal WL Round Sounder Instructions 5IN2656
Internal WL Round Sounder Instructions 5IN2657
Internal WL Round Sounder Instructions 5IN2659
Internal WL Round Sounder Instructions 5IN2660
Wireless External Triangular Sounder Installation Guide 5IN2661
Wireless External Triangular Sounder Installation Guide 5IN2663
Wireless External Triangular Sounder Installation Guide 5IN2664
External Wireless Sounder Installation Instructions 5IN2678
External Wireless Sounder Installation Instructions 5IN2709
LuMIN8 External Wireless Sounder Instructions 5IN2718
2-Way Wireless Outdoor Sounder (Prosound) Installation Manual 5IN2719
External WL Rectangular Sounder Installation Instructions 5IN2735
External Wireless Sounder (RWS401) Installation Instructions 5IN2736
WL Internal Round Sounder Installer 5IN2858
Wireless Round Sounder Instructions 5IN2878
External Wireless Sounder (RWS401) Installation Instructions 5IN2936
External Wireless Sounder (RWS401) Installation Instructions 5IN3037
Lumin8 and Delta Installer 5IN2126
Lumin8 Delta Plus with backlight Instructions 5IN2745
Lumin8 Delta Plus with backlight Instructions 5IN2920
Internal WL Round Sounder Instructions 5IN2658
XS3D Instructions 5INEW011
Datasheet – Sirena de interior inalámbrica RWS332